I'm struggling to get Dozer to bend to my will for something that I feel should be quite simple. I have two similar models that I wish to map between, however one has a 'deeper' hierarchy than the other and this is causing me problems when dealing with collections. Consider the following classes:
Source classes:
class Foo {
String id;
NameGroup nameGroup;
// Setters/Getters
class NameGroup {
private List<Name> names;
// Setters/Getters
class Name {
private String nameValue;
// Setters/Getters
Destination classes:
class Bar {
private String barId;
private BarNames barNames;
// Setters/Getters
class BarNames {
private List<String> names;
// Setters/Getters
Now I'd like the following one-way mappings:
Foo.id -> Bar.barId // Simple enough
But I then need:
Foo.nameGroup.names.nameValue -> Bar.barNames.names
So each Name
instance in Foo.nameGroup.names
should result in a String
being added to the BarNames.names
list. Is this possible?
This can easily be done with Dozer as long as your "Name" class contains a String constructor.
A quote from the Dozer docs (http://dozer.sourceforge.net/documentation/simpleproperty.html):
Data type coversion is performed automatically by the Dozer mapping engine. Currently, Dozer supports the following types of conversions: (these are all bi-directional)
String to Complex Type if the Complex Type contains a String constructor
I have tested this with your classes as above (I was stuck with the same problem) and it works perfectly. Here is the mapping I used: