Double is a primitive data type used to store fractional numbers that holds a double-precision floating-point (often 64 bits).
I need to use an unsigned double but it turns out C# does not provide such a type. Does anyone …
c# double unsignedPossible Duplicate: Moving decimal places over in a double Why is the following sum of numbers not equal to 0.4622? but 0.46219999999999994 …
java sum double floating-accuracy decimalformatI'm reading data from CSV file. One of the fields contains the value 1,167.40. The code piece for reading this field …
java double number-formatting numberformatexceptionI got this C code. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int n, d, i; double t=0, k; …
c double division multiplication integer-divisionI write financial applications where I constantly battle the decision to use a double vs using a decimal. All of …
double decimal financeI would like to remove all trailing zeros without truncating or rounding the number if it doesn't have any. For …
java double decimalformatSo what I'm trying to do is convert double to rational number. I check how many digits there is after …
java double fractionsI was wondering how to hash a double in Java? I have hashed other primitive data and objects. I thought …
java object double hashcode primitive-types