Top "Dompdf" questions

An HTML to PDF converter written in PHP

Custom Fonts for DOMPDF

I'm Using DOM PDF 0.6.0 Beta 2. I want to use custom fonts (Fonts: 'Segeo Print', 'Lucida Handwriting','Airplanes in the Night …

php pdf-generation dompdf custom-font
dompdf HTML to PDF - can't set margin of page

version: 0.6.0 beta 3 I tryed in every manner to make dompdf set the margin of the page. I have a long …

php html css margin dompdf
How to set custom width and height of pdf using dompdf?

When I create my pdf using dompdf it generates it as default width and height. I want to set custom …

php dompdf
dompdf fails to load

I am trying to get dompdf running on an in-house server. With the default settings, I get …

php pdf include dompdf
DOMpdf, adding a new page to PDF

Is it possible to add a new page in DOMpdf? Similar to mPDF AddPage(); functionaly. I can't seem to find …

php dompdf
Generate filename with creation date

I'm using dompdf to create and mail a PDF file to my mail and at the same time, save a .…

php datetime filenames dompdf
view pdf without downloading using dompdf

I generated a PDF using the dompdf library and used this: $dompdf->stream('my.pdf',array('Attachment'=>0)); to …

php pdf dompdf
Open PDF in a new tab using dompdf

Im trying to generate pdf using dompdf, how can I open the pdf in a new tab in a browser? …

CSS not working with DOMPDF

I am using DOMPDF (v 0.5.2) to convert an html page to a pdf file. The pdf file appears after the …

php css styles stylesheet dompdf
How to include the external style sheet in dom pdf

I am using Dompdf for the report generation in the php. I am not able to include the external style …

php dompdf