dompdf HTML to PDF - can't set margin of page

Nereo Costacurta picture Nereo Costacurta · Nov 5, 2013 · Viewed 44.6k times · Source

version: 0.6.0 beta 3

I tryed in every manner to make dompdf set the margin of the page. I have a long page with a lot of text, divided in chapters...

my css is something like:


/* other styles... */

@page{margin: 0.2in 0.5in 0.2in 0.5in;}

when the php is

ob_start(); // begin collecting output
include 'makemypdf.php'; // this page output the html
$html = ob_get_clean(); // retrieve output from makemypdf.php and stop buffering


$dompdf = new DOMPDF();
$dompdf->stream("sample.pdf", array("Attachment" => false));


but what I get is a page with NO margins!!! only the padding of the #wrapper are applied... and they are applyed only at the beginning and at the end of the entire PDF...

I'm doing something wrong?

PS - it seems that only the bottom-margin is applied... but I'm not sure...

PPS - I tryed with no success also this css: body { margin-top: 40px; } html { margin-top: 40px; } @page { margin-top: 40px; }


Nereo Costacurta picture Nereo Costacurta · Nov 5, 2013

I figured out that neither body or @page works in this version of dompdf.

the problem was in the main CSS, where I put every tyme this line:


I find out that margins of the PDF are decided in base of the margin of the HTML, so I removed that line with the global selector and replaced with:

th,td,p,div,b ... {margin:0;padding:0}
html{margin:40px 50px}

This works as "un-expected" and I get the right margin in every page.

NOW I'M HAPPY. I really don't know who down-vote my question, I think it's very important! In fact everywhere in internet there's the wrong answer (using body or @page margin).

solution: use in CSS html{margin:...}