Top "Document" questions

Is a term that in computer science can refer to various file types containing usually human readable information, if opened with appropriate software.

How do I create a PDF file, including images and text, from Python?

I am looking for a way to create a sheet of labels, as a PDF file, from a Python program. …

python pdf pdf-generation document
Simple implementation of N-Gram, tf-idf and Cosine similarity in Python

I need to compare documents stored in a DB and come up with a similarity score between 0 and 1. The method …

python document n-gram tf-idf vsm
What is Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 used for?

What is Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 used for?

document explorer
What is the difference between the document selector and window selector?

I have the following JQuery function that takes user input and displays it on screen. When I select for both $(…

jquery jquery-selectors window document
How can I fix a PDF document that was scanned backwards?

I received an email containing a PDF document which was scanned backwards. I tried rotating it with PDF Complete version 4.0.65 …

pdf document
Is it possible to display an RTF file inside a web page using PHP?

I have an RTF file that I want to display inside a web page after tags have been replaced with …

php document rtf
JavaScript's document.querySelector() same as jQuery $() method?

I have been wondering why people glorified jQuery's $(".myClass") method when JavaScript has a generic document.querySelector(). Is there something …

javascript jquery dom model document
Save the document generated by javascript

Javascript can manipulate the document the browser is displaying, so the following: <script> document.write("<table>&…

javascript document client-side server-side html-generation
how do i import data into mongodb from sql server?

how do i import data into mongodb from sql server? i have these tables in sql database with following columns …

sql sql-server mongodb import document
How to serialize RapidJSON document to a string?

How to serialize RapidJSON document to a string? In all the examples the serializing text is redirected to the standard …

c++ string document rapidjson