Top "Document" questions

Is a term that in computer science can refer to various file types containing usually human readable information, if opened with appropriate software.

Relative and absolute tolerance definitions in Matlab solver

I am trying to understand the following Matlab definitions for RelTol and AbsTol parameters: RelTol — This tolerance is a measure …

matlab parameters integration document definitions
Document Types vs. Exported and Imported UTIs

Can anyone explain to me the difference between Document Types, Exported UTIs and Imported UTIs in Xcode 5.1? I want to …

xcode document file-type uti
mongoid update all documents with conditions

I have a model class Employee include Mongoid::Document field :first_name field :last_name field :address1 field :address2 field :…

ruby mongoid document
In MongoDB, if collection is dropped, indexes dropped automatically as well?

If I create a collection in Mongo, and after adding documents to this collection I use ensureIndex() to create an …

mongodb collections indexing document
Waypoints always giving "undefined is not a function/object" errors

I’m trying to use Waypoints to do a very simple scrolling effect, but for some reason, I just simply …

jquery function document undefined jquery-waypoints
Storing files in database Vs file system

one of my customer ask for a Document Management System for some thousands of document in different format i.e. …

php mysql document document-management
Changing Latex section numbering presentation

I'm trying to change how section numbering is displayed in a Latex document I'm working on. What I want to …

latex formatting document roman-numerals
Icons for custom file types (iOS or OS X)

I'm looking for information/documentation on creating a custom icon for a document type in my iOS app. I am …

ios icons document file-type
what exactly document-ready means in jquery

Let us say I have a HTML page that contains a javascript file: The base.js is like this: $(document).…

jquery document document-ready
Should I use window.load or document.ready jquery

Recently I saw that you could use either $('document').ready(function() { //Do Code }); or $('window').load(function() { //Do Code }); for …

javascript jquery load window document