Top "Doctrine-orm" questions

Doctrine ORM is a PHP ORM.

Doctrine 2 update from entity

Is it possible to update an entity in a similar way as below: $data = new ATest(); // my entity $data->…

php orm doctrine-orm
How do I use a complex criteria inside a doctrine 2 entity's repository?

Lets say I have a table that holds information about festivals. Each festival has a start and end date. I …

php sql doctrine criteria doctrine-orm
Doctrine findBy with OR condition

Is it possible to use OR statement in Doctrine findBy() method? I know that given array is interpreted as case1 …

doctrine-orm findby
Troubleshooting "No such file or directory" when running `php app/console doctrine:schema:create`

I am new to Symfony2 (beta4) and Doctrine and am having issues when i try to create the DB schema …

php mysql doctrine-orm symfony
Is there a built-in way to get all of the changed/updated fields in a Doctrine 2 entity

Let's suppose I retrieve an entity $e and modify its state with setters: $e->setFoo('a'); $e->setBar(…

php symfony doctrine-orm doctrine
Add a column to an existing entity in Symfony

I've been playing around with Symfony on my web server and I've been creating entity with doctrine for my database. …

php symfony doctrine-orm
doctrine 2 query builder and join tables

I'm trying to get all comments for each post in my home page return $this->createQueryBuilder('c') ->…

doctrine-orm left-join query-builder
Doctrine 2 Query with LIKE

I have this code for query: $repository = $em->getRepository('AcmeCrawlerBundle:Trainings'); $query = $repository->createQueryBuilder('p') ->where(…

sql symfony doctrine-orm
How to limit size of result set in doctrine 2?

If i'm using the findBy method of the respository class, how can I limit the size of the result set?

php orm doctrine-orm
What do scale and precision mean when specifying a decimal field type in Doctrine 2?

I'm creating a decimal field to hold a financial figure in Doctrine2 for my Symfony2 application. Currently, it looks like …

database symfony orm types doctrine-orm