Top "Doctrine-orm" questions

Doctrine ORM is a PHP ORM.

How to set a date in Doctrine 2?

I have a field named "birthday" in doctrine entity. I would like to create an object to add to database …

symfony doctrine doctrine-orm
Symfony2 Doctrine Expr 'IS NOT NULL'

I'm using the FormType for an Entity of mine, and setting up an entity field. I need two Where clauses …

symfony doctrine-orm
What is the difference between inversedBy and mappedBy?

I am developing my application using Zend Framework 2 and Doctrine 2. While writting annotations, I am unable to understand the difference …

php doctrine-orm
Doctrine query building select MAX

I would like to select everything + MAX value and receive only rows having max values. $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('s'); $…

symfony doctrine-orm doctrine symfony-2.1
Doctrine2 migrations migrate down and migrate from browser and not command line

I am using Doctrine2 migrations. I need some answers about my doubt, I canno find a good solution in documentations …

php mysql symfony doctrine-orm
Doctrine array vs simple_array vs json_array

I am using symfony and doctrine as my ORM. For available types I have: array simple_array json_array I …

php arrays symfony doctrine-orm
Doctrine and composite unique keys

I want to do composite unique key in doctrine. Those are my fields: /** * @var string $videoDimension * * @Column(name="video_dimension", …

php mysql doctrine-orm
Subquery in doctrine2 notIN Function

I'd like to select members who are not in specific service. I have 3 tables : membre service membre_service (relation between …

php doctrine-orm query-builder
Doctrine 2.1 - datetime column default value

Could someone tell me how to add default value on datetime column? I can't do this like this: protected $registration_…

php doctrine-orm
What is the difference between fetch="EAGER" and fetch="LAZY" in doctrine

What is the difference between fetch="EAGER" and fetch="LAZY" in annotation @ManyToOne in Doctrine ? /** * @ManyToOne(targetEntity="Cart", cascade={"all"}, …

orm doctrine-orm many-to-many