Top "Docker-compose" questions

Compose is a tool for defining and running complex applications with Docker.

Docker Compose does not allow to use local images

The following command fails, trying to pull image from the Docker Hub: $ docker-compose up -d Pulling web-server (web-server:staging)... ERROR: …

docker docker-compose
docker-compose creating multiple instances for the same image

I need to start multiple containers for the same image. If i create my compose file as shown below, it …

docker docker-compose docker-container
What's the difference between Docker Compose and Kubernetes?

While diving into Docker, Google Cloud and Kubernetes, and without clearly understanding all three of them yet, it seems to …

docker kubernetes docker-compose
docker-compose: define mount for bind mount and managed mount

I'm using docker-compose for defining my service. In docker, there are two concepts for docker volume. Firstly is about bind …

docker docker-compose docker-volume
Docker-compose check if mysql connection is ready

I am trying to make sure that my app container does not run migrations / start until the db container is …

mysql docker docker-compose dockerfile
How to mount local volumes in docker machine

I am trying to use docker-machine with docker-compose. The file docker-compose.yml has definitions as follows: web: build: . command: ./run_…

docker dockerfile docker-compose
Docker-compose set user and group on mounted volume

I'm trying to mount a volume in docker-compose to apache image. The problem is, that apache in my docker is …

docker docker-compose
How do you perform Django database migrations when using Docker-Compose?

I have set up a Docker Django/PostgreSQL app closely following the Django Quick Start instructions on the Docker site. …

django docker docker-compose
How to join the default bridge network with docker-compose v2?

I tried to setup an nginx-proxy container to access my other containers via subdomains on port 80 instead of special ports. …

docker docker-compose jwilder-nginx-proxy
Volume binding using docker compose on Windows

I recently upgraded my Docker Toolbox on Windows 10, and now my volume mounts no longer work. I've tried everything. Here …

windows docker docker-compose docker-machine docker-toolbox