How to mount local volumes in docker machine

jdcaballerov picture jdcaballerov · May 4, 2015 · Viewed 67.8k times · Source

I am trying to use docker-machine with docker-compose. The file docker-compose.yml has definitions as follows:

  build: .
  command: ./
    - .:/app
    - "8000:8000"
    - db:db
    - rabbitmq:rabbit
    - redis:redis

When running docker-compose up -d all goes well until trying to execute the command and an error is produced:

Cannot start container b58e2dfa503b696417c1c3f49e2714086d4e9999bd71915a53502cb6ef43936d: [8] System error: exec: "./": stat ./ no such file or directory

Local volumes are not mounted to the remote machine. Whats the recommended strategy to mount the local volumes with the webapps' code?


Andy picture Andy · Aug 16, 2015

Docker-machine automounts the users directory... But sometimes that just isn't enough.

I don't know about docker 1.6, but in 1.8 you CAN add an additional mount to docker-machine

Add Virtual Machine Mount Point (part 1)

CLI: (Only works when machine is stopped)

VBoxManage sharedfolder add <machine name/id> --name <mount_name> --hostpath <host_dir> --automount

So an example in windows would be

/c/Program\ Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe sharedfolder add default --name e --hostpath 'e:\' --automount

GUI: (does NOT require the machine be stopped)

  1. Start "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager"
  2. Right-Click <machine name> (default)
  3. Settings...
  4. Shared Folders
  5. The Folder+ Icon on the Right (Add Share)
  6. Folder Path: <host dir> (e:)
  7. Folder Name: <mount name> (e)
  8. Check on "Auto-mount" and "Make Permanent" (Read only if you want...) (The auto-mount is sort of pointless currently...)

Mounting in boot2docker (part 2)

Manually mount in boot2docker:

  1. There are various ways to log in, use "Show" in "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager", or ssh/putty into docker by IP address docker-machine ip default, etc...
  2. sudo mkdir -p <local_dir>
  3. sudo mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` <mount_name> <local_dir>

But this is only good until you restart the machine, and then the mount is lost...

Adding an automount to boot2docker:

While logged into the machine

  1. Edit/create (as root) /mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker/, sda1 may be different for you...
  2. Add

    mkdir -p <local_dir>
    mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` <mount_name> <local_dir>

With these changes, you should have a new mount point. This is one of the few files I could find that is called on boot and is persistent. Until there is a better solution, this should work.

Old method: Less recommended, but left as an alternative

  • Edit (as root) /mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker/profile, sda1 may be different for you...
  • Add

    add_mount() {
      if ! grep -q "try_mount_share $1 $2" /etc/rc.d/automount-shares ; then
        echo "try_mount_share $1 $2" >> /etc/rc.d/automount-shares
    add_mount <local dir> <mount name>

As a last resort, you can take the slightly more tedious alternative, and you can just modify the boot image.

  • git -c core.autocrlf=false clone
  • cd boot2docker
  • git -c core.autocrlf=false checkout v1.8.1 #or your appropriate version
  • Edit rootfs/etc/rc.d/automount-shares
  • Add try_mount_share <local_dir> <mount_name> line right before fi at the end. For example

    try_mount_share /e e

    Just be sure not to set the to anything the os needs, like /bin, etc...

  • docker build -t boot2docker . #This will take about an hour the first time :(
  • docker run --rm boot2docker > boot2docker.iso
  • Backup the old boot2docker.iso and copy your new one in its place, in ~/.docker/machine/machines/

This does work, it's just long and complicated

docker version 1.8.1, docker-machine version 0.4.0