Top "Doc2vec" questions

Doc2Vec is an unsupervised algorithm used to convert documents in vectors ("dense embeddings"). It is based on the "Paragraph Vector" paper and implemented in the Gensim Python library and elsewhere.

ImportError: cannot import name 'joblib' from 'sklearn.externals'

I am trying to load my saved model from s3 using joblib import pandas as pd import numpy as np …

python-3.x amazon-web-services joblib doc2vec
How to use Gensim doc2vec with pre-trained word vectors?

I recently came across the doc2vec addition to Gensim. How can I use pre-trained word vectors (e.g. found …

python nlp gensim word2vec doc2vec
Doc2Vec Get most similar documents

I am trying to build a document retrieval model that returns most documents ordered by their relevancy with respect to …

python nlp gensim doc2vec
How to use TaggedDocument in gensim?

I have two directories from which I want to read their text files and label them, but I don't know …

python nltk gensim word2vec doc2vec
gensim Doc2Vec vs tensorflow Doc2Vec

I'm trying to compare my implementation of Doc2Vec (via tf) and gensims implementation. It seems atleast visually that the …

python tensorflow nlp gensim doc2vec
How to use the infer_vector in gensim.doc2vec?

def cosine(vector1,vector2): cosV12 =, vector2) / (linalg.norm(vector1) * linalg.norm(vector2)) return cosV12 model=gensim.models.…

python gensim doc2vec
Is there pre-trained doc2vec model?

Is there a pre-trained doc2vec model with a large data set, like Wikipedia or similar?

gensim doc2vec
Document similarity: Vector embedding versus Tf-Idf performance?

I have a collection of documents, where each document is rapidly growing with time. The task is to find similar …

machine-learning nlp tf-idf word2vec doc2vec
How to get word vectors from a gensim Doc2Vec?

I trained a gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec model d2v_model = Doc2Vec(sentences, size=100, window=8, min_count=5, …

gensim word2vec doc2vec
how to use build_vocab in gensim?

Build_vocab extend my old vocabulary? For example, my idea is when I use doc2vec(s) to train a …

nlp word2vec gensim doc2vec