Top "Django-urls" questions

The Django URL dispatch system

Django - include app urls

I have the following structure (Django 1.4): containing_dir/ myproject/ myapp1/ myapp2/ myapp3/ myproject, myapp1, myapp2, and myapp3 all have init.…

python django django-urls
ImproperlyConfigured at / Empty static prefix not permitted - Django

I'm working on uploading/displaying images with Django. The website is deployed on Heroku. Following this tutorial I was able …

python django heroku django-urls static-files
url template tag in django template

I was trying to use the url template tag in django, but no lucky, I defined my like …

django-templates django-urls
Django and How do I HttpResponseRedirect via a named url?

I'm writing a member-based web application, and I need to be able to redirect the page after login. I want …

python django redirect django-urls
Making a Regex Django URL Token Optional

You have a URL which accepts a first_name and last_name in Django: ('^(?P<first_name>[…

regex django url django-urls
Django url tag multiple parameters

I have two similar codes. The first one works as expected. urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^(?P<n1>\d)/…

python django django-urls
Django - How to pass several arguments to the url template tag

In my I have: (r'^(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{2})/(?P<day&…

django django-templates django-urls
add request.GET variable using django.shortcuts.redirect

Is possible to add GET variables in a redirect ? (Without having to modifiy my If I do redirect(…

django redirect django-urls django-views
How do you use Django URL namespaces?

I'm trying to get the hang of Django URL namespaces. But I can't find any examples or documentation. Here is …

django django-urls
Linking to the django admin site

Very basic question, but I'm having trouble tracking down the answer on the web. I have a template, which I …

django django-admin django-templates django-urls