Django url tag multiple parameters

Overdose picture Overdose · Apr 4, 2010 · Viewed 27.2k times · Source

I have two similar codes. The first one works as expected.

urlpatterns = patterns('',
                       (r'^(?P<n1>\d)/test/', test),
                       (r'', test2),
{% url testapp.views.test n1=5 %}

But adding the second parameter makes the result return empty string.

urlpatterns = patterns('',
                           (r'^(?P<n1>\d)/test(?P<n2>\d)/', test),
                           (r'', test2),)

{% url testapp.views.test n1=5, n2=2 %}

Views signature:

def test(request, n1, n2=1):


naw picture naw · Apr 4, 2010


{% url testapp.views.test n1=5,n2=2 %}

without the space between the arguments

Update: As of Django 1.9 (and maybe earlier) the correct way is to omit the comma and separate arguments using spaces:

{% url testapp.views.test n1=5 n2=2 %}