The Django URL dispatch system
Is there a way to get the current page URL and all its parameters in a Django template? For example, …
django django-urls django-templatesI have to build an url dynamically according to the current url. Using the {% url %} tag is the easiest way …
django django-urls urlconfMy project is named homefood, and when I runserver I get this error.Anybody have any clue how to fix …
python django http-status-code-404 django-urlsHow can I see the current urlpatterns that "reverse" is looking in? I'm calling reverse in a view with an …
django django-urls django-viewsI've got two applications located on two separate computers. On computer A, in the file I have a …
python django django-urlsI have a basic model named "Places" which has this view: def view_index(request, place_name): The user will …
django django-models django-views django-urlsI am currently trying out Django. I use the namespace argument in one of my include()s in …
python django django-urlsI'm experimenting with Django, and figuring out how to set, and how the URLs work. I've configured urls.…
django django-templates django-urlsIn a Django view you can access the request.GET['variablename'], so in your view you can do something like …
django django-views django-urlsI am pretty new to django but experienced in Python and java web programming with different frameworks. I have made …
django django-urls