Top "Django-cors-headers" questions

A Django application that adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers to responses.

CORS: Cannot use wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when credentials flag is true

I have a setup involving Frontend server (Node.js, domain: localhost:3000) <---> Backend (Django, Ajax, domain: localhost:8000) Browser &…

ajax django node.js cors django-cors-headers
import error django corsheaders

i am a beginner in django. i am doing project based on it. project has two stages. i completed first …

python django amazon-ec2 django-cors-headers
django-cors-headers not work

django-cors-headers not work INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', …

python django django-cors-headers
CORS django 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'

I was trying to get a CORS request working. With the following JS code I get this error: XMLHttpRequest cannot …

jquery ajax django cors django-cors-headers
Redirect is not allowed for a preflight request

I have this problem where i get the response when trying to use a rest api: "Access to fetch at …

django reactjs cors apache2 django-cors-headers
AngularJS + Django Rest Framework + CORS ( CSRF Cookie not showing up in client )

I am developing a 1-page application in AngularJS using and Django Rest Framework + Django CORS Headers. My problem is that …

django angularjs cors django-rest-framework django-cors-headers
Django Localhost CORS not working

I have a local Django setup as follows Django Rest Framework:localhost:8000 AngularJS frontend:local apache running on http://localservername …

python django cors django-cors-headers
Django/DRF - 405 Method not allowed on DELETE operation

I'm working with two dev servers on my local machine (node & django's). I've added django-cors-headers to the project to …

django django-rest-framework django-cors-headers
Django giving error ImportError: No module named 'corsheaders'

I am a newbie to Django and trying to enable CORS for my server. I couldn't find a built-in solution …

django django-cors-headers