Top "Django-allauth" questions

django-allauth is a set of pluggable django apps for authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication

Django 1.10.1 'my_templatetag' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of:

I want a menu thats custom depending which group you are member of. Im using Django 1.10.1, allauth and so on. …

django django-allauth templatetags
How to customize user profile when using django-allauth

I have a django project with the django-allauth app. I need to collect additional data from the user at signup. …

django profile django-allauth
Django: SocialApp matching query does not exist

I'm using django-allauth, and I configured localhost:9000/admin/ with the following details: socialapp . provider: Name: Client id: App ID, or …

django django-allauth
Django REST-Auth Password Reset

I am completely confused by the django middleware available: I simply want to get password-reset (and later password-change) functionality running, …

python django django-rest-framework django-allauth django-rest-auth
No module named 'allauth.account.context_processors'

I want to use Django-Allauth, so I installed as following and it works perfectly in my laptop localhost; but when …

python django packages django-allauth django-settings
overriding default templates of django-allauth

I used this social registration/signup library django allauth for a project of mine. How do i customize the default …

django django-forms django-templates django-formwizard django-allauth
Plug in django-allauth as endpoint in django-rest-framework

I'm using django-allauth on my website for social logins. I also have a REST API powered by django-rest-framework that serves …

python django django-rest-framework django-allauth
Django allauth example [Errno 61] Connection refused

I have the following error when I run django allauth example and it tries to send an email: File "/System/…

python django django-allauth
django 1.9: ProgrammingError: relation "users_user" does not exist

I am running into a ProgrammingError when doing migrate, I think it may be related to the use of django-allauth …

django django-allauth
Redirect User to another url with django-allauth log in signal

I am using Django-allauth for my login/signup related stuff, so when a user signs up(first time) into my …

django django-signals django-allauth