Top "Distributed-system" questions

A distributed system consists of a collection of autonomous computers, connected through a network and distribution middleware, which enables computers to coordinate their activities and to share the resources of the system, so that users perceive the system as a single, integrated computing facility.

Why isn't RDBMS Partition Tolerant in CAP Theorem and why is it Available?

Two points I don’t understand about RDBMS being CA in CAP Theorem : 1) It says RDBMS is not Partition Tolerant …

distributed-computing rdbms distributed-system cap-theorem nosql
Why is RAID not recommended for Hadoop HDFS setups?

Various websites (like Hortonworks) recommend to not configure RAID for HDFS setups mainly because of two reasons: Speed limited to …

hadoop hdfs distributed-system raid
how Message Queue System Works?

I have studied Message Queues System in my class but I still don't get it how these Message Queues System …

message-queue distributed-system
rmi registry binding issue

I'm running RMI Regitry on a virtual machine (running Windows XP) with IP: and trying to bind an RMI server (…

java rmi distribution distributed-system rmiregistry
How to make my Java Swing application a Client-Server application?

I have made a Java Swing application. Now I would like to make it a Client-Server application. All clients should …

java swing networking client-server distributed-system
What is the difference between internal clock synchronization and external clock synchronization in distributed systems?

Clock Synchronization in Distributed System. What is the difference between internal synchronization and external synchronization in distributed systems?

operating-system distributed-computing distributed-system clock-synchronization
What is the difference between a distributed system and distributed computing?

I found out the following definitions of, respectively, distributed system and distributed computing: Distributed system: a collection of independent computers …

computer-science distributed-computing distributed-system
Confusion about Message Bus / Command Dispatcher patterns

Recently I've been reading a lot about distributed messaging and associated patterns. I used some of them supported by the …

design-patterns event-handling distributed-system message-bus
Where to start learning Distributed Systems programming?

I'm a recent grad with a CSS degree and I never had a chance to take a course on distributed …

network-programming cloud distributed-system
What is the difference between zookeeper and raft?

this is really dumb but what does zookeeper do that raft doesn't - not talking about zab but zookeeper itself. …

algorithm distributed-computing distributed-system raft