Various websites (like Hortonworks) recommend to not configure RAID for HDFS setups mainly because of two reasons:
It is recommended to use RAID on NameNode.
But what about implementing RAID on each DataNode storage disk?
RAID is used for two purposes. Depending on the RAID configuration you can get:
HDFS has similar mechanisms built in software. HDFS splits files into chunks (so-called file blocks) which are replicated across multiple datanodes and stored on their local filesystems. Usually, datanodes have multiple disks which are individually mounted (JBOD). A datanode should distribute its file blocks across all its disks / local filesystems.
This ensures:
Since HDFS is taking care of fault-tolerance and "striped" reading, there is no need to use RAID underneath an HDFS. Using RAID will only be more expensive, offer less storage, and also be slower (depending on the concrete RAID config).
Since the namenode is a single-point-of-failure in HDFS, it requires a more reliable hardware setup. Therefore, the use of RAID is recommended on namenodes.