Top "Discovery" questions howto discover nearby bluetooth devices async in c#

I am trying to use the 32feet.NET bluetooth library in a C# application to detect nearby devices. The purpose …

c# asynchronous bluetooth discovery
RESTful API runtime discoverability / HATEOAS client design

For a SaaS startup I'm involved in, I am building both a RESTful web API and a couple of client …

api rest discovery hateoas
Network discovery in Java using multicasting

I'm trying to make a client/server Java App. Both client and server will be running on the same wi-fi …

java networking discovery
How to display time on stm32-discovery

I've been experimenting with the STM32-DISCOVERY a lot lately, but I'm not sure what's the best way to really …

c microcontroller stm32 discovery
Are there any public UDDI registries available?

I am currently trying to get a grasp of UDDI and would like to run some examples with the inquiry …

web-services discovery uddi
How to discover web servers on a local network?

Suppose I'm running several servers serving basic requests on my local network (say a home network, where all machines generally …

java sockets discovery
any way to detect iPads or iPhones on wireless network? bonjour?

I am trying to detect Apple devices connected to a wireless network. This is relatively simple using Bonjour, however I …

ios bonjour discovery
stm32f0 uart programming

i'm trying to get the usart to work on my stm32f0-discovery but now i found out that the …

discovery stm32 uart usart
WCF Discovery simply doesn't work

I'm trying to add ad-hoc discovery to a simple WCF service-client setup (currently implemented by self hosting in a console …

c# wcf discovery service-discovery
Way(s) to detect nearby mobile devices using the Android SDK?

I'm contemplating the development of an Android app that detects all or most nearby mobile devices (iPhone, Android, etc) in …

android bluetooth wifi discovery cellular-network