My Apache web server suddenly stopped serving index.php files automatically. It shows direcotry listing instead. I've tried helps but …
php apache directoryindexI'm trying to create a fallback for my virtual hosts. My configuration looks like this: # Fetch all pre-defined hosts Include "…
apache2 xampp wildcard virtualhost directoryindexWhat could the following line mean? [Mon Feb 21 20:52:13 2011] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by rule: /var/www/vhosts/…
apache .htaccess indexing root directoryindexI am a little stuck and am sure that this is a trivial problem, but just can't seem to find …
ssl apache2 indexing directoryindexI have the default myIndex.php in a subfolder of public_html. I added a file .htaccess in public_html. …
php .htaccess directoryindex