Top "Differential-equations" questions

An equation that relates some unknown function itself and its derivatives of various orders.

Numerical ODE solving in Python

How do I numerically solve an ODE in Python? Consider \ddot{u}(\phi) = -u + \sqrt{u} with the following conditions …

python plot numerical-methods differential-equations
IndexError: index 10 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 10

I am numerically setting up a mesh grid for the x-grid and x-vector and also time grid but again I …

arrays python-2.7 python-3.x numpy differential-equations
Differential Equations in Python

I'm working with a DE system, and I wanted to know which is the most commonly used python library to …

python differential-equations
How to solve differential equation using Python builtin function odeint?

I want to solve this differential equations with the given initial conditions: (3x-1)y''-(3x+2)y'+(6x-8)y=0, y(0)=2, y'(0)=3 …

python numpy scipy differential-equations odeint
Euler's method in python

I'm trying to implement euler's method to approximate the value of e in python. This is what I have so …

python numpy numerical-methods differential-equations approximation
Need help solving a second order non-linear ODE in python

I don't really know where to start with this problem, as I haven't had much experience with this but it …

python numpy scipy differential-equations
how to draw a slope field in matlab

I was looking for a way to draw slope fields in Matlab. Here is what I am looking for: I …

matlab math differential-equations
Imitate ode45 function from MATLAB in Python

I am wondering how to export MATLAB function ode45 to python. According to the documentation is should be as follows: …

python matlab scipy differential-equations ode45
How do I plot a slope field using mathematica?

I am trying to plot slope fields of some differential equations using mathematica but can't figure it out. Say I …

wolfram-mathematica plot differential-equations
How to Solve and Plot Lotka-Volterra Differential Equations in Matlab

I was wondering if someone might be able to help me solve the Lotka-Volterra equations using MatLab. My code doesn't …

matlab math plot equations differential-equations