Differential Equations in Python

Leon palafox picture Leon palafox · May 1, 2011 · Viewed 44.8k times · Source

I'm working with a DE system, and I wanted to know which is the most commonly used python library to solve Differential Equations if any.

My Equations are non Linear First Order equations.


RHC picture RHC · Jul 30, 2011

If you need to solve large nonlinear systems (especially stiff ones), the scipy tools will be slow and awkward. The PyDSTool package is now quite commonly used in this situation. It lets your equations be automatically converted into C code and integrates them with good solvers. It's especially good if you want to define state-defined events such as threshold crossings, add external input signals from arrays, or have other analyses done (such as bifurcation analysis, as the package includes an interface to AUTO).