Top "Dice" questions

Dice are small objects thrown by hand that land in different positions, used to generate random value for games, particularly gambling.

Random numbers for dice game

Possible Duplicate: random string generation - two generated one after another give same results I am writing a simple dice …

c# silverlight windows-phone-7 random dice
Simulate rolling dice in Python?

first time writing here.. I am writing a "dice rolling" program in python but I am stuck because can't make …

python random dice
Basic C# Dice Game

I am new to c# and coding in general. To try and improve my skills I am trying to create …

c# dice
Determine Frequency of numbers showing up in dice rolls

For a game I'm trying to determine the frequency that a certain # will show up at a given # of dice …

algorithm probability dice
Dice Question (Full House and Straight recognition)

I'm making a dice game. There are 5 dice in which I have all the values for and I need to …

c# regex poker dice