Top "Poker" questions

Questions relating to development on the subject of all variants of poker.

The simplest algorithm for poker hand evaluation

I am thinking about poker hand (5 cards) evaluation in Java. Now I am looking for simplicity and clarity rather than …

java r algorithm data-structures poker
How do I programmatically calculate Poker Odds?

I'm trying to write a simple game/utility to calculate poker odds. I know there's plenty of resources that talk …

statistics probability poker
7 Card Poker Hand Evaluator

Does anyone know a fast algorithm for evaluating 7 card poker hands? Something which is more efficient than simply brute-force checking …

algorithm poker playing-cards
Building a Texas Hold'em playing AI..from scratch

I'm interested in building a Texas Hold 'Em AI engine in Java. This is a long term project, one in …

java lisp artificial-intelligence poker jatha
How to loop through all the combinations of e.g. 48 choose 5

Possible Duplicate: How to iteratively generate k elements subsets from a set of size n in java? I want to …

java combinations combinatorics poker
working with HUGE lists in python

how can I manage a huge list of 100+ million strings? How can i begin to work with such a huge …

python itertools poker
Defeating a Poker Bot

There is a new Open Source poker bot called PokerPirate. I am interested in any creative ways in which a …

security artificial-intelligence poker
Algorithm to determine the winner of a Texas Hold'em Hand

Ok, so I am making a Texas Hold'em AI for my senior project. I've created the gui and betting/dealing …

python artificial-intelligence poker
How exactly does sharkscope or PTR data mine all those hands?

I'm very curious to know how this process works. These sites ( and …

data-mining poker
Array.reduce on a multidimensional array to array of objects

In my poker app I have an array of hands, each hand being array of randomly selected card objects with …

javascript arrays functional-programming poker