Top "Desktop-application" questions

An application that runs stand alone in a desktop or laptop computer.

Architecture Question: GWT or Vaadin to create Desktop Application?

We're planning on creating a feedreader as a windows desktop- and iPad application. As we want to be able to …

gwt desktop-application wicket ria vaadin
Java GUI Frameworks - which are out there?

I mainly developing Java EE and now I'm in a situation where I need to write a small native Java …

java user-interface frameworks desktop-application
Adding JFXPanel to a JFrame. Why is it not working?

I am trying to add a JFXPanel to my JFrame. I am using Netbeans and Netbeans' Swing GUI Builder. When …

java swing desktop-application gui-builder javafx-2
Preventing screen recording apps

If I have a website that contains paid videos and I want to prevent authorized / unauthorized users from downloading the …

desktop-application screen-recording
how to monitor the close event of a JDialog?

I have got a tricky problem. I need to pop a confirm message box for user to decide close or …

java swing desktop-application jdialog windowlistener
How to write applications for different platforms? Linux, Mac, Windows and Mobile Platforms

We want to write a client for an online service which should be available on as many platforms as possible. …

c# android ios desktop-application multiplatform
Java - opening URL in internet explorer using java Desktop

I want to know if there is a way to open a webpage specifically in internet explorer using the java …

java swing internet-explorer desktop-application runtime.exec
Why change from WPF to Silverlight 4?

I'm working on an application we made WPF instead of Silverlight as we wanted a full blown desktop application with …

wpf silverlight silverlight-4.0 desktop-application
Desktop application development with Javascript and HTML

I am looking for Titanium Appcelerator alternatives for Desktop application development with HTML and JavaScript. I want to convert a …

javascript desktop-application titanium application-framework
Convert Natural Language Questions to SQL Queries

I want to convert Natural Language questions to SQL queries using opennlp Java library, i.e. Who won women figure …

java desktop-application opennlp