Top "Multiplatform" questions

Software and methods said to be platform independent.

Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine

Is there a way to determine how many cores a machine has from C/C++ in a platform-independent way? If …

c++ c multithreading multiplatform
How can I beautify JavaScript code using Command Line?

I am writing a batch script in order to beautify JavaScript code. It needs to work on both Windows and …

javascript command-line-interface pretty-print multiplatform
Bash/sh - difference between && and ;

I normally use ; to combine more than one command in a line, but some people prefer &&. Is there …

bash shell syntax multiplatform
What version of the .NET framework is installed on Windows XP, Vista, and 7?

I have an application that uses the .NET framework 3.5. I am building this application for a college to help students …

.net windows multiplatform
C++: execute a while loop until a key is pressed e.g. Esc?

Does anyone have a snippet of code that doesn't use windows.h to check for a key press within a …

c++ while-loop exit multiplatform onkeypress
cross-platform scripting for windows, Linux, MacOS X

I'm looking for cross-platform scripting (language) for windows, Linux, MacOS X. I'm tired of .bat / bash . I would like to …

windows linux scripting multiplatform
Java: Open a file (Windows + Mac)

Possible Duplicate: How to launch the default (native) application for a given file from Java? I have a java application …

java file pdf multiplatform
How to make installer of java desktop application for multi-platform?

How could we made a jar file's installer, which can run on multi-platform. Is there any simple way, because I …

java installation cross-platform multiplatform
Forcing docker to use linux/amd64 platform by default on macOS

Current beta version of docker requires you to specify a --platform=linux/amd64 each time you need to build or …

docker multiplatform apple-silicon
Auto startup for java desktop application?

I have created a desktop application in Java using NetBeans 6.1 and made a jar file of the application. Now I …

java installation cross-platform multiplatform autostart