Top "Delegates" questions

Delegates can refer to several concepts.

IOS - Delegate vs Notification

Would like to have your opinion regarding the following architecture: In My app I have a static class (LoginManager) that …

ios swift login delegates nsnotifications
How to connect delegate from custom class in xib?

I have created a class "DeletableImageView" (.swift + .xib) which uses the protocol I defined as "DeletableImageViewDelegate" through a property I …

ios swift delegates xib iboutlet
Does using a delegate create garbage

I'm working on a game for the xbox360, using XNA. On the Xbox the garbage collector performs rather badly compared …

c# delegates garbage-collection xna xbox360
Extension methods defined on value types cannot be used to create delegates - Why not?

Extension methods can be assigned to delegates that match their usage on an object, like this: static class FunnyExtension { public …

c# .net extension-methods delegates value-type