Delegates can refer to several concepts.
Before storyboards I was able to set delegates and datasources just by dragging an outlet to a class. With storyboards, …
ios xcode xcode4 delegates uistoryboardAccording to Sergey Ryazanov, his Impossibly Fast C++ Delegates are not comparable: My delegates cannot be compared. Comparison operators are …
c++ delegates language-lawyer one-definition-ruleIn C# we can provide default value of the parameters as such: void Foo(int i =0) {} But, when the method …
c# syntax delegates optional-parametersThere is a question already answered which is In C#, isn't the observer pattern already implemented using Events? It asks …
c# design-patterns events delegates observer-patternIn my WPF application, I want to do some work in a non-UI thread so as to avoid the UI …
c# wpf multithreading delegates begininvokeI've read two books, tons of examples. They still make next to no sense to me. I could probably write …
c# delegatesNone of my UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout methods are called. Can somebody help me find a solution? In my ViewDidLoad method, I have …
swift delegates uicollectionviewdelegateTrying to make Feature generic and then suddenly compiler said Operator '?' cannot be applied to operand of type …
c# generics delegates c#-6.0 null-propagation-operatorI have the following two functions, that are nearly identical, the only difference is that one uses func, the other …
c#-4.0 delegates refactoring action func