Top "Delegates" questions

Delegates can refer to several concepts.

How to resolve "no known instance method for selector 'performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:'" when migrating to ARC?

The ARC migration tool is refusing to accept this code prior to starting with migration: [self.delegate performSelector:@selector(overlayDismissed:) …

ios delegates automatic-ref-counting performselector
Fail in assigning self.delegate it produce unrecognized selector sent

I'm a new in iOS, and I have trouble in implementing @protocol so sorry if you think this is an …

objective-c ios delegates protocols flip
Is there a downside to adding an anonymous empty delegate on event declaration?

I have seen a few mentions of this idiom (including on SO): // Deliberately empty subscriber public event EventHandler AskQuestion = delegate {}; …

c# coding-style delegates events idioms
Why are delegates reference types?

Quick note on the accepted answer: I disagree with a small part of Jeffrey's answer, namely the point that since …

c# .net delegates value-type reference-type
Anonymous delegate implementation in Objective-C?

Is it possible to declare anonymous implementations of things like Delegates in Objective-C. I think I have the terminology right, …

objective-c delegates anonymous-class
Delegate, BeginInvoke. EndInvoke - How to clean up multiple Async threat calls to the same delegate?

I've created a Delegate that I intend to call Async. Module Level Delegate Sub GetPartListDataFromServer(ByVal dvOriginal As DataView, ByVal … delegates multithreading begininvoke
Cannot bind to the target method because its signature or security transparency is not compatible with that of the delegate type

Having done nothing more than install Visual Studio 2012, our existing application now crashes when attempting to create a delegate. Why …

c# delegates visual-studio-2012 windowsformshost
C#: Difference between ' += anEvent' and ' += new EventHandler(anEvent)'

Take the below code: private void anEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { //some code } What is the difference between the following ? […

c# delegates event-handling
How to change RootViewController (in AppDelegate) from within CustomViewController?

Good day, My app has authorization form (SigninController) which is loaded in AppDelegate, and after signing in (checking is in …

objective-c delegates uitabbarcontroller rootview
Is there a way to create a delegate to get and set values for a FieldInfo?

For properties there are GetGetMethod and GetSetMethod so that I can do: Getter = (Func<S, T>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(…

c# delegates expression-trees setvalue fieldinfo