Top "Defaultdict" questions

A subclass of Python's dict class that allows to specify a default factory to use for missing keys.

How does collections.defaultdict work?

I've read the examples in python docs, but still can't figure out what this method means. Can somebody help? Here …

python dictionary default-value defaultdict
`if key in dict` vs. `try/except` - which is more readable idiom?

I have a question about idioms and readability, and there seems to be a clash of Python philosophies for this …

python idioms readability defaultdict code-readability
Python defaultdict and lambda

In someone else's code I read the following two lines: x = defaultdict(lambda: 0) y = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: 0)) As the …

python collections defaultdict
How to convert defaultdict to dict?

How can I convert a defaultdict number_to_letter defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'2': ['a'], '3': ['b'], …

python defaultdict
defaultdict with default value 1?

I am new to python, and i read some code snippet from some place. It's an implementation of counting sort. …

python defaultdict
Nested defaultdict of defaultdict

Is there a way to make a defaultdict also be the default for the defaultdict? (i.e. infinite-level recursive defaultdict?) …

python recursion defaultdict
Sorting a defaultdict by value in python

I have a data-structure which is something like this: The population of three cities for different year are as follows. …

python sorting dictionary defaultdict
python defaultdict: 0 vs. int and [] vs list

Is there any difference between passing int and lambda: 0 as arguments? Or between list and lambda: []? It looks like they …

python collections defaultdict
Format string unused named arguments

Let's say I have: action = '{bond}, {james} {bond}'.format(bond='bond', james='james') this wil output: 'bond, james …

python string string-formatting missing-data defaultdict
defaultdict : first argument must be callable or None

I ran the following code : from collections import defaultdict lst = list(range(0,5)) d = defaultdict(lst) and I got this error : …

python defaultdict