Top "Deep-copy" questions

A deep copy of an object is a separate, fully independent duplicate of that object, such that any references / pointers it holds to other objects refer to deep copies of those to which the original's refer.

deep extend (like jQuery's) for nodeJS

I am struggling with deep copies of objects in nodeJS. my own extend is crap. underscore's extend is flat. there …

jquery node.js extend deep-copy
BeanUtils.cloneBean() deep copy

If all the objects within the bean implement Serializable interface, will BeanUtils.cloneBean() do a deep copy?

java javabeans deep-copy apache-commons-beanutils
What's the best way to deep copy a hash of hashes in Perl?

Possible Duplicate: What's the best way to make a deep copy of a data structure in Perl? Before I start …

perl deep-copy
How to create a deep copy of an object in Ruby?

I did some searching found some different methods and posts about creating a deep copy operator. Is there a quick …

ruby-on-rails ruby object copy deep-copy
javascript deep copy using JSON

I have problem with javascript object(array) deep copy. I read many good way to deal with it. And I …

javascript json deep-copy
Shallow copy and deep copy in C

I tried googling this but only objected oriented languages pop up as results. From my understanding a shallow copy is …

c deep-copy shallow-copy
How to do "Deep Copy" in Swift?

In Objective-C, one can deep-copy by following: Foo *foo = [[Foo alloc] init]; Foo *foo2 = foo.copy; How to do this …

swift deep-copy
C# Automatic deep copy of struct

I have a struct, MyStruct, that has a private member private bool[] boolArray; and a method ChangeBoolValue(int index, bool …

c# struct deep-copy default-copy-constructor
Kotlin data class copy method not deep copying all members

Could someone explain how exactly the copy method for Kotlin data classes work? It seems like for some members, a (…

kotlin copy deep-copy data-class
JS: Does Object.assign() create deep copy or shallow copy

I just came across this concept of var copy = Object.assign({}, originalObject); which creates a copy of original object into …

javascript object deep-copy shallow-copy