Top "Deep-copy" questions

A deep copy of an object is a separate, fully independent duplicate of that object, such that any references / pointers it holds to other objects refer to deep copies of those to which the original's refer.

Deep copying an NSArray

Is there any built-in function that allows me to deep copy an NSMutableArray? I looked around, some people say [aMutableArray …

objective-c cocoa-touch cocoa nsarray deep-copy
std vector C++ -- deep or shallow copy

I wonder whether copying a vector I am copying the vector with its values (whereas this is not working with …

c++ vector copy std deep-copy
clearing or set null to objects in java

I was recently looking into freeing up memory occupied by Java objects. While doing that I got confused about how …

java memory-management null deep-copy shallow-copy
How do I do a deep copy of a 2d array in Java?

I just got bit by using .clone() on my 2d boolean array, thinking that this was a deep copy. How …

java arrays multidimensional-array copy deep-copy
How to deep copy a Hibernate entity while using a newly generated entity identifier

I'm using a relational DB using a single column pk with a few nested tables. I need to add a …

java hibernate jpa deep-copy identifier
Shallow copy or Deep copy?

I am a bit new to these two methods of copying one object into the other. I am confused and …

c# deep-copy shallow-copy
Deep Copy of OpenCV cv::Mat

The behaviour of copying cv::Mat is confusing me. I understand from the documentation that Mat::copyTo() is deep copy …

c++ opencv deep-copy
Deep copy of List<T>

I'm trying to make a deep copy of a generic list, and am wondering if there is any other way …

c# deep-copy
Copying an array of objects into another array in javascript (Deep Copy)

Copying an array of objects into another array in javascript using slice(0) and concat() doesnt work. I have tried the …

javascript arrays node.js google-chrome deep-copy
Java HashMap - deep copy

I am just trying to find out the best solution how to make a deep copy of HashMap. There are …

java hashmap deep-copy