Top "Deconvolution" questions

An algorithmic process to reverse the effects of a convolution, which is a linear form of signal or image filtering.

What is the difference between UpSampling2D and Conv2DTranspose functions in keras?

Here in this code UpSampling2D and Conv2DTranspose seem to be used interchangeably. I want to know why this …

machine-learning computer-vision conv-neural-network convolution deconvolution
Understanding scipy deconvolve

I'm trying to understand scipy.signal.deconvolve. From the mathematical point of view a convolution is just the multiplication in …

python numpy scipy signals deconvolution
TensorFlow: Unpooling

Is there TensorFlow native function that does unpooling for Deconvolutional Networks ? I have written this in normal python, but it …

tensorflow conv-neural-network deconvolution
looking for source code of from gen_nn_ops in tensorflow

I am new to tensorflow for deep learning and interested in deconvolution (convolution transpose) operation in tensorflow. I need to …

python tensorflow deep-learning deconvolution
Tensorflow CNN training images are all different sizes

I have created a Deep Convolution Neural Network to classify individual pixels in an image. My training data will always …

python tensorflow deep-learning conv-neural-network deconvolution
deblurring image by deconvolution using opencv

I have two images o1 & o2, and I have blurred the two images using the same Gaussian blurring kernel. …

c++ opencv image-processing deconvolution
Deconvolution2D layer in keras

This layer in not ready documented very well and I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out exactly how to …

theano keras deconvolution
Deblurring an image

I am trying to deblur an image in Python but have run into some problems. Here is what I've tried, …

python image-processing deconvolution