Top "Decodeuricomponent" questions

Javascript decodeURI(Component) malformed uri exception

I entered the following in Chrome's console: decodeURIComponent('a%AFc'); Instead of resulting to a0xAFc, it caused a URIError …

javascript uri malformed decodeuricomponent
Why does decodeURIComponent('%') lock up my browser?

I was just testing something with AJAX and I found that on success if I alert alert(decodeURI('%')); …

javascript decodeuricomponent
NodeJS decodeURIComponent not working properly

When I tryed to decode the string below in nodeJS using decodeURLCompnent: var decoded = decodeURI('Ulysses%20Guimar%C3%A3es%20…

node.js utf-8 character-encoding latin1 decodeuricomponent