Top "Date-comparison" questions

This tag refers to the process of comparing two or more dates with one another.

How can i compare two dates (NSDate) in Swift 3 and get the days between them?

How can I compare two dates in Swift 3? I found many solutions for other Swift versions, but they doesn't work …

swift xcode swift3 nsdate date-comparison
How to get date part (dispose of time part) from java.util.Date?

I want to compare the date part of two java.util.Date objects. How can I achieve this? I am …

java date calendar date-comparison
Comparing two dates in different tables SQL with criteria

Click image to see the table structure and problm SELECT B.ENTITYID, B.…

sql date-comparison
How to compare dates in Python?

I need to see if a date has more than X days. How can I do this in Python? I …

python datetime date-comparison
What's the right way to compare two dates in php?

I need to compare the dates from my database with the current day. This id my code, in eloquent: $posts = …

php datetime date-comparison
Compare two dates based on year-month, taking no notice of day

I need to be able to compare two dates, only based on the year and the month (i.e. without …

java date compare hql date-comparison