Top "Date-comparison" questions

This tag refers to the process of comparing two or more dates with one another.

Compare two dates in whether they are equal or not

I have a Date variable startdt and a String variable hdnsdate. Suppose if startdt has the value in the form 3/1/2012 … date date-comparison
Comparing two dates in LINQ to SQL

I have a database with a table named meeting. Meeting dates are stored in this table using the following format: …

c# .net linq linq-to-sql date-comparison
SQL Date Compare by only using Date not Time

This was originally going to be a question about how to implement this because I was stuck at a certain …

sql sql-server tsql date-comparison
DateTime comparison without time part?

I wrote this code. But I want to ignore time, I want to compare only day. from s in sayac_…

c# .net linq datetime date-comparison
compare date with current time in jstl

Hello I'm trying compare a date with current time using jstl in a jsp file. How can I compare a …

jsp jstl date-comparison
timeIntervalSinceDate problem

last resort this as I cannot for the life of me work it out! I am setting a date when …

iphone cocoa-touch datetime date-comparison
Comparing dates ignoring the seconds and the milliseconds instant of DateTime in Joda

Let's assume that I have two dates like the following. DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss").withZone(DateTimeZone.…

java datetime jodatime date-comparison
how to compare date in swift 3.0?

I have two dates and I want to compare it. How can I compare dates? I have to date objects. …

swift3 date-comparison
Comparing dates

I have two dates: 2009-05-11 and the current date. I want to check whether the given date is the …

objective-c ios cocoa-touch date date-comparison
java - compare two date values for the month and year

I have a requirement to match two dates and if their month/year are same, i should return true, otherwise …

java date date-comparison