Top "Datarow" questions

DataRow is an ADO.

How do I add a new row to a binding source

I am trying to programmatically add a new row to a binding source . I know calling the bsSource.AddNew() adds … datarow bindingsource datarowview
Compare DataRow collection to List<T>

I have a List<string> and I have a DataTable. One of the columns in a DataRow is …

c# linq c#-3.0 datatable datarow
"Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types"

When my website gets to the following bit of code, it falls down with an exception as follows: System.InvalidCastException: …

c# datarow
Group by on IEnumerable<DataRow>

I have a collection of DataRow objects. I should select distinct rows, based on the column 'URL_Link'. Following this …

c# linq group-by datarow
C# Reflection: Getting the fields of a DataRow from a Typed DataSet

I am currently building a method that takes an object that is of type DataRow from a typed DataSet, and …

c# reflection strongly-typed-dataset datarow
Extract from DataRow or DataReader with one function

I'm looking for a solution for how to be able to extract data from a database when using either a …

c# .net sql datareader datarow
C#/winforms: how to best bind a propertygrid and a System.Data.DataRow

i have System.Data.DataRows with several fields, most of them just plain types like int, single, string. what is …

c# winforms binding propertygrid datarow
how to return single row using TableAdapter

Hi I am currently using TableAdapter that returns a dataTable, which is fine to use when result table should have …

c# sql-server datatable dataset datarow
How can I get a sum for the column "pieces" in a datatable?

How can I get a sum for the column "pieces" in a datatable? Say I had the following table. How …

c# datatable sum datarow datacolumn