I am trying to programmatically add a new row to a binding source . I know calling the bsSource.AddNew() adds a new row which I cast as a DataRowView and I set my values. My problem is this - the DataRowView.Row shows a RowState of detached. I do not want it to be detached ; I believe it should show added - I also do NOT want it to commit the change to the database (There is a very valid reason for this). I want to pick the time for that later. My code is as follows:
private Sub AddToRelationSource(binID As Integer, gradeID As Integer, IsChecked As Boolean)
Dim drv As DataRowView = DirectCast(bsBinGrades.AddNew(), DataRowView)
drv.Row("IsSelected") = IsChecked
drv.Row("BinID") = binID
drv.Row("GradeID") = gradeID
' I tried drv.EmdEdit(0 drv.Row.EndEdit() - Row State still shows detached
End Sub
The BindingSource AddNew method does not actually add a new record to the underlying datasource , it simply adds it to the bindingsource as a detached item. When using the datatabel as a datasource I needed to get the datatable and use the AddRow() method - this properly set the value in my bindingsource to added so that when the changes would be committed to the database on bindingsource.Update() method.
The code I used:
Dim drv As DataRowView = DirectCast(bsData.AddNew(), DataRowView)
drv.Row("IsSelected") = IsChecked
The last line is what actually added the item to the datasource - I misunderstood BindingSource.AddNew() .