Top "Datainputstream" questions

A DataInputStream lets an application read primitive Java data types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent way.

EOFException DataInputStream using readUTF

I ve coded a simple Server that Listen for client and when the client is connected it opens a Datainputstream …

java datainputstream eofexception
"available" of DataInputStream from Socket

I have this code on the client side : DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(socketChannel.socket().getInputStream()); while(dis.available()){ SomeOtherClass.method(…

java sockets datainputstream
DataInputStream and UTF-8

I'm kind of a new programmer, and I'm having a couple of problems with the code I'm handling. Basically what …

java utf-8 character-encoding datainputstream
Unknown buffer size to be read from a DataInputStream in java

I have the following statement: DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(process.getInputStream()); I would like to print the contents of this …

java io inputstream datainputstream
Java primitive data type byte and class Byte

Background: I have an assignment where I'm going to pass information through sockets to a very limited extent. It can …

java byte primitive-types datainputstream dataoutputstream
DataInputStream vs InputStreamReader, trying to conceptually understand the two

As I tentatively understand it at the moment: DataInputStream is an InputStream subclass, hence it reads and writes bytes. If …

java datainputstream inputstreamreader
Getting OptionalDataException because of primitive int value , but how to avoid it in JAVA

My Code- import; import; import; import; import java.…

java serialization io datainputstream
Difference Between DataInputStream/DataOutputStream Class & InputStream/OutputStream Class

Whenever I use HttpConnection Class in Java ME, Android or in BlackBerry, I uses DataInputStream/DataOutputStream class for reading & …

java android java-me datainputstream
Can I read a local text file line by line into a string array?

The question "How to read a local (res/raw) file line by line?" deals with a similar issue but I …

android readline arrays datainputstream
Check if DataInputStream has content

Is there a way to ask a DataInputStream, if it has content to read? .readByte() will just hang it, waiting …

java sockets networking port datainputstream