Top "Database-security" questions

Create new user in MySQL and give it full access to one database

I want to create a new user in MySQL and give it full access only to one database, say dbTest, …

mysql access-control database-security
What is the difference between Integrated Security = True and Integrated Security = SSPI?

I have two apps that use Integrated Security. One assigns Integrated Security = true in the connection string, and the other …

sql-server security connection-string database-security
Questions and considerations to ask client for designing a database

so as title says, I would like to hear your advices what are the most important questions to consider and …

database database-design mysql database-security
Access 2010 allowing multiple users/ Implementing group security

I'm creating an Access 2010 database and would like some clarification when it comes to concurrency and security. What I would …

ms-access ms-access-2010 database-security
What is EXTPROC in Oracle?

For security reasons I asked DB team to add EXTPROC_DLLS:ONLY; but they said this: "Please be informed that …

oracle security database-security
SQL Server 2008 - Does a trigger run with the same permissions as the login/user?

Just a quick question: Say I put an insert trigger on a table in my database. If data is inserted …

sql-server sql-server-2008 tsql triggers database-security
How can I use transparent data encryption with MySQL?

I want to enable Transparent Data encryption (TDE) on MySQL. I don't mind if the entire db is encrypted (as …

mysql database-security tde ecryptfs