Top "Database-migration" questions

database-migration is the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems.

Using liquibase on the existing database

We have a existing database in production. We have decided to use liquibase for all further updates and create any …

database database-migration liquibase
How to use enum in a Postgres database in Rails 3?

PostgreSQL has the concept of enumerated types built into the database. How would you implement a table with a column …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 postgresql enums database-migration
Use one Laravel migrations table per database

I work in a project that uses multiple databases. It seems like Laravel only uses the migrations-table in the database …

php laravel-4 database-migration
sequelize.sync({ force: true }) is not working some times

i am using gulp tasks for migration of database. For testing purpose i am using different database. so i need …

node.js gulp sequelize.js database-migration sequelize-cli
EF Core Add Migration Debugging

How can I step into OnModelCreating with a breakpoint and see if my logic is wrong or if the ModelBuilder …

c# entity-framework ef-code-first database-migration entity-framework-core
mongoexport error: Failed: Failed to parse + Unrecognized field 'snapshot

Goal:to migrate my local mongodb data to mongobd atlas cluster. Try: 1. export local data as json. 2. import json to …

mongodb database-migration data-migration mongoexport
Migrate from MySQL to PostgreSQL on Linux (Kubuntu)

A long time ago on a system far, far away... Trying to migrate a database from MySQL to PostgreSQL. All …

mysql postgresql database-migration