Goal:to migrate my local mongodb data to mongobd atlas cluster.
1. export local data as json.
2. import json to cluster.
OS: Linuxmint 19.1 Cinnamon
mongo --version
MongoDB shell version v4.0.10
mongod --version
db version v3.6.3
I also have a separate database folder.
So first I started
/home/me/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/home/me/mongodb-data
then I opened a terminal and typed
~/mongodb/bin $ mongoexport --db task-manager --collection users --out ~/Desktop/test.json
I expected the users collection from task-manager database will print out as a test.json file but I am getting the error:
2019-06-18T22:05:06.108+0200 connected to: localhost
2019-06-18T22:05:06.108+0200 Failed: Failed to parse: { find: "users", filter: {}, sort: {}, skip: 0, snapshot: true, $readPreference: { mode: "secondaryPreferred" }, $db: "task-manager" }. Unrecognized field 'snapshot'.
What's wrong and what should I do to fix it? Is there any better way to migrate data?
This usually happens due to different versions of mongodump vs your mongoDB server.
But adding --forceTableScan
switch can solve the problem
mongodump --forceTableScan -d database_name