Top "Database-migration" questions

database-migration is the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or computer systems.

Django CommandError: App 'polls' has migrations

Trying to follow the tutorial at Django project. The problem I've come across is that when performing the command: python …

python django migration database-migration
How to create composite primary key by using Migration in Yii2?

I tried to run yii migrate, but it showed the following error: create table news-cate ...Exception: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or …

sql yii2 database-migration
How to change primary key in rails migration file?

I need to migrate an old mysql table like this: Products name (string, primary_key) to this schema: Products id (…

ruby-on-rails database-migration rails-migrations
How to write a migrate to undo the unique constraint in Laravel?

I would do this to make my email field unique in the table. $table->unique('email'); I've tried public …

php laravel laravel-4 laravel-5 database-migration
Heroku run rake db:migrate results in no change in the database, app restarted several times

I have a problem with pushing my migrations to the production database. The issue: I've altered database schema by adding 1 …

heroku migration rake database-migration rails-migrations
Associations in Sequelize migrations

My app currently uses the Sequelize sync() method to create the database, and I want to change it to use …

node.js associations database-migration sequelize.js
Liquibase changeSet with failOnError="false" are always ran?

I'm trying to execute the following changeSet in liquibase which should create an index. If the index doesn't exist, it …

sql database-schema database-migration liquibase
Push database to heroku: how to use heroku pg:push

I want to push my local postgresql database to heroku, using heroku pg:push command. The command looks like this: …

heroku database-migration heroku-postgres
No changes detected in Alembic autogeneration of migrations with Flask-SQLAlchemy

I'm having trouble getting Alembic to autogenerate candidate migrations from changes to classes using db.Model (Flask-SQLAlchemy) instead of Base. …

sqlalchemy flask database-migration flask-sqlalchemy alembic
How to migrate the database from Filemaker to Mysql?

I am rebuilding an ERP system based on Symfony1.4 and MySQL 5.1. The challenge is that previous system was built on …

mysql database migration filemaker database-migration