Top "Data-access" questions

Data access typically refers to software and activities related to storing, retrieving, or acting on data housed in a database or other repository.

Transactions for read-only DB access?

There seem to be very different opinions about using transactions for reading from a database. Quote from the DeveloperWorks article …

database transactions data-access
simple jdbc wrapper

To implement data access code in our application we need some framework to wrap around jdbc (ORM is not our …

java jdbc data-access spring-jdbc
What exactly is "persistence ignorance"?

Persistence ignorance is typically defined as the ability to persist & retrieve standard .NET objects (or POCOs if you really …

nhibernate orm poco data-access persistence-ignorance
Reading parts of large files from drive

I'm working with large files in C# (can be up to 20%-40% of available memory) and I will only need …

c# file data-access
How to use SQL Command Builder and SQL Data Apdater

I read SQL Command Builder class from and I …

c# .net dataadapter data-access sqlcommandbuilder
Transaction script is Antipattern?

Well there is a similar topic about transaction script with NoSQL database, but this one is about the pattern in …

design-patterns data-access-layer data-access
where to handle spring DataAccessException

I develop an application using Struts, Spring, and Hibernate. My DAOs uses spring jdbc and all its method throws DataAccessException(…

spring exception-handling struts dao data-access
Outer Variable Access in PHP Class

Consider the following situation file: ./include/functions/table-config.php containing: . . $tablePages = 'orweb_pages'; . . file: ./include/classes/uri-resolve.php containing: class …

php oop class global-variables data-access
Most Efficient Way To Get A Row Of Data From DB In ASP.NET

I'm writing a method to return an 'asset' row from the database. It contains strings, ints and a byte array (…

c# optimization data-access
PHP Lazy loading objects and dependency injection

I have recently started reading about dependency injection and it has made me rethink some of my designs. The problem …

php dependency-injection lazy-loading data-access