Dagger is a dependency injection library for Java and Android.
My question is similar to this. So for instance, I have a LiveData implementation: public class CustomLiveData extends LiveData<…
android dependency-injection dagger-2 daggerI am trying to make Dagger work without the "injects" directive inside the @Module annotation. I am basing my test …
java android daggerFrom dagger-discuss@: I have a class that gets some dependencies from the object graph, and other dependencies from a caller …
java dependency-injection dagger assisted-injectI have a set of @Singleton and @Provides method in my module class for the purpose of creating Singleton instance …
java android dependency-injection dagger-2 daggerSo I have come across this best practices on Android articles on memory performance. http://developer.android.com/training/articles/…
android performance dependency-injection daggerI've created an Android project using Gradle. I've added a Dagger library: dependencies { compile 'com.squareup.dagger:dagger-compiler:1.2.1' compile …
android gradle daggerWhat are the specific benefits or advantages of using a dependency injection framework for Android, like Dagger, Transfuse or RoboGuice? …
android dependency-injection roboguice dagger transfuseI am new to dagger, I have defined my application component like this @Singleton @Component(modules = {ApplicationModule.class}) public interface …
android android-studio dependency-injection dagger-2 daggerI am using eclipse and Dagger 1.2.2 for my Android project. I managed to implement a test application with Dagger. But …
android dependency-injection daggerI'm using Dagger2 android-support library with Proguard but i can't compile my project because of this error : Warning:dagger.android.…
android proguard dagger-2 android-proguard dagger