Top "Dagger" questions

Dagger is a dependency injection library for Java and Android.

Dagger example built through eclipse fails with 'Please ensure that code generation was run for this module.'

I'm using Dagger for dependency injection in Android, using Eclipse to build. I've cloned android-activity-graphs to use as an example. …

android dagger
Dagger injection not working for "object" in Kotlin

After spending a ludicrous amount of time trying to figure out why my dagger injections weren't working; I realised that …

android kotlin singleton dagger
When to use Dagger in android application?

I know that Dagger is a dependency injection framework, but I have not still used it in my projects. I …

android dagger
Using Kotlin with Dagger

What's the best way to use Dagger to inject dependencies into classes, especially zero-arg constructor classes like Activities, with Dagger? …

dependency-injection dagger kotlin dagger-2
Dagger 2 no classes generated

I want to try something new and use Dagger 2 as my DI framework. So I have the following pom and …

java maven dagger dagger-2
Dagger2 Error: Module Must Be Set

I was trying to do SubScoping in Dagger2. However, I am not able to figure out this compilation error:-&…

android dagger-2 dagger
How to resolve a circular dependency while still using Dagger2?

I have two classes, Foo<T> and Bar, which depend on each other, as well as various other …

java android dagger-2 circular-dependency dagger
dagger android support to androidx.fragment

How to inject a fragment from the package ? I'm using the dagger-android framework to inject my …

dagger-2 androidx dagger