Top "Cygwin" questions

Cygwin is a collection of GNU and other Unix-like FOSS tools which run on MS Windows and provide functionality similar to a GNU/Linux distribution while (mostly) conforming to POSIX specifications.

Stream video from ffmpeg and capture with OpenCV

I have a video stream coming in on rtp to ffmpeg and I want to pipe this to my OpenCV …

opencv ffmpeg cygwin named-pipes
Git core.safecrlf different behavior on files with same line endings

I have Windows machine with VS project and I use both Visual Studio and tools from Cygwin environment including Git. …

windows git cygwin newline core.autocrlf
How do I tell whether my cygwin installation is 32 or 64 bit?

How do I tell whether my cygwin installation is 32 or 64 bit? I don't remember which setup.exe to download. And …

help installing libpcap on cygwin

i was trying to install libpcap under cygwin on windows 7 but i had this error: $ ./configure . . . . . configure: error: see the …

cygwin libpcap
How to get Git 1.8 in Cygwin?

According to the latest available Cygwin package is 1.7.9-1. I would like to update git …

git cygwin
Set Default Shell in Cygwin

I've been using Cygwin for quite a while now. I now want to switch to fish from bash. Everyone is …

shell cygwin fish
How do I set the PYTHONPATH on Cygwin?

In the Biopython installation instructions, it says that if Biopython doesn't work I'm supposed to do this: export PYTHONPATH = $PYTHONPATH':/…

python cygwin biopython
Cygwin git tab completion

I installed Cygwin on windows and one of the default packages is git tab completion, but I don't have tab …

bash cygwin bash-completion
How to use MinGW-w64 with Cygwin?

MinGW-w64 has been available with Cygwin at least since December 2010. However I am having hard time using this to compile …

gcc cygwin mingw mingw-w64
Why cannot I chmod in Cygwin on Windows 8 CP?

I can't chmod group permission in Cygwin on Windows 8 so that I can't ssh connect to a server using an …

windows-8 cygwin