i was trying to install libpcap under cygwin on windows 7 but i had this error: $ ./configure . . . . . configure: error: see the INSTALL for more info
how can i solve this? i am using libpcap-1.0.0 which is the latest version.
libpcap develop pack can be found from http://www.winpcap.org/devel.htm
steps in detail as follows:
Setup Winpcap
Download and unzip the pack. We will use for this example WpdPack_4_0_1.zip.
Copy libraries like this:
- WpdPack\Lib\libpacket.a to cygwin\lib\
- WpdPack\Lib\libwpcap.a to cygwin\lib\
Create a folder cygwin\usr\include\pcap\
Copy all headers from WpdPack\Include to cygwin\usr\include\winpcap\
Be sure you have installed Winpcap libraries and that they are in your path by typing:
which packet.dll which wpcap.dll
For me they are in /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/
Building example using Cygwin
Open a cygwin prompt to WpdPack\Examples-pcap\basic_dump\ and execute:
CFLAGS="-g -Wall -mno-cygwin -I /usr/include/pcap" LIBS="-lwpcap" PROG="basic_dump" gcc $CFLAGS -c $PROG.c gcc $CFLAGS -o $PROG.exe $PROG.o $LIBS ./$PROG.exe
CFLAGS="-g -Wall -mno-cygwin -I /usr/include/pcap" LIBS="-lwpcap" PROG="basic_dump_ex" gcc $CFLAGS -c $PROG.c gcc $CFLAGS -o $PROG.exe $PROG.o $LIBS ./$PROG.exe
CFLAGS="-g -Wall -mno-cygwin -I /usr/include/pcap" LIBS="-lwpcap" PROG="iflist" gcc $CFLAGS -c $PROG.c gcc $CFLAGS -o $PROG.exe $PROG.o $LIBS ./$PROG.exe
pcap_filter (and others):
I think you can catch the pattern ;) Only replace PROG=... by the program name and it should compile.
CFLAGS="-g -Wall -mno-cygwin -I /usr/include/pcap" LIBS="-lwpcap -lwsock32" PROG="UDPdump" gcc $CFLAGS -c $PROG.c gcc $CFLAGS -o $PROG.exe $PROG.o $LIBS ./$PROG.exe
You can test by doing a Time Synchronization with pool.ntp.org for example.