Top "Custom-binding" questions

KnockoutJS: Extending KnockOut JS's built-in bindings to allow a lot of flexibility to encapsulate sophisticated behaviors in an easy-to-reuse way.

WCF with custombinding on both http and https

I have a WCF service with custombinding and it is working fine on either http or https. But I have …

wcf http https custom-binding
Knockout renderTemplate() rendering modes

I'm trying to call ko.renderTemplate() in a custom binding. However I can't find any documentation for it's usage, particularly …

javascript templates knockout.js custom-binding
WCF Service Reference generates an empty reference.cs due to DuplexBinding

I have WCF service. Here is configuration <basicHttpBinding> <binding name="EmergencyRegistratorBinding"> <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly"> &…

wcf pollingduplexhttpbinding custom-binding
Knockout custom binding update not firing

With the following code, I would expect my update function to execute every time the viewModel.item observable is updated. …

javascript jquery knockout.js custom-binding
WCF CustomBing exception - AddressingNone does not support adding WS-Addressing headers

I keep getting the following exception when I use my pragmatically created CustomBinding. Addressing Version 'AddressingNone (…

c# wcf custom-binding
The CustomBinding on the ServiceEndpoint with contract 'IService1' lacks a TransportBindingElement error when trying to access wcf service

I am trying to access WCF service. But its giving me following error: The CustomBinding on the ServiceEndpoint with contract …

c# .net wcf web-services custom-binding
kendo mvvm: how to define a custom css binding

Is it true that: (or am I missing something?) Kendo UI MVVM doesn't support css binding; If it is, how …

mvvm kendo-ui custom-binding
extjs 5 : make a data binding for component's custom property

i have a component that extended from the filefield, and i added a custom property 'serverPath' to it ,and also …

binding viewmodel extjs5 custom-binding