Top "Cuda" questions

CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and programming model for NVIDIA GPUs (Graphics Processing Units).

Modifying registry to increase GPU timeout, windows 7

Im trying to increase the timeout on the GPU from its default setting of 2 seconds to something a little longer. …

cuda gpu gpgpu regedit
Resetting GPU and driver after CUDA error

Sometimes, bugs in my CUDA programs cause the desktop graphics to break (in Windows). Typically, the screen remains somewhat readable, …

windows cuda gpu
CUDA Runtime API error 38: no CUDA-capable device is detected

The Situation I have a 2 gpu server (Ubuntu 12.04) where I switched a Tesla C1060 with a GTX 670. Than I installed …

cuda nvidia
Using std::vector in CUDA device code

The question is that: is there a way to use the class "vector" in Cuda kernels? When I try I …

CUDA or FPGA for special purpose 3D graphics computations?

I am developing a product with heavy 3D graphics computations, to a large extent closest point and range searches. Some …

hardware cuda fpga
"invalid configuration argument " error for the call of CUDA kernel?

Here is my code: int threadNum = BLOCKDIM/8; dim3 dimBlock(threadNum,threadNum); int blocks1 = nWidth/threadNum + (nWidth%threadNum == 0 ? 0 : 1); int blocks2 = nHeight/…

What does #pragma unroll do exactly? Does it affect the number of threads?

I'm new to CUDA, and I can't understand loop unrolling. I've written a piece of code to understand the technique __…

cuda nvidia pragma loop-unrolling
How to use graphics memory as RAM?

Since graphics cards provide large amounts of RAM (0.5GiB to 2GiB) and API access to the GPU is not that …

memory memory-management cuda opencl
cudaMemset() - does it set bytes or integers?

From online documentation: cudaError_t cudaMemset (void * devPtr, int value, size_t count ) Fills the first count bytes of the …

cuda semantics memset
Efficiency of CUDA vector types (float2, float3, float4)

I'm trying to understand the integrate_functor in from CUDA examples: struct integrate_functor { float deltaTime; //constructor …

c cuda thrust